This is a guide to the what, where and when for the club’s various events that are held throughout the year. We have a wide range of events from Tuesday night time trials, Sunday social runs, Monthly away days and winter turbo training.
Jack Robertson Auldhouse League
What / When: The League is an event running from April to September on Tuesday evenings. It’s a 10 mile course around the lanes of Auldhouse. You are racing yourself, so it doesn’t matter if you are fast or slow (as long as you make it round before it gets dark).
Meeting Point: KRS, 1A Langlands square, East Kilbride (Google Map – KRS)
Time: Normally we meet at 7.15 for a 7.30 Start, times vary at the start and end of the season
Club Sunday Social Rides
What / When: The club usually has a Sunday social ride all year round. During the warmer months there can be two groups leaving at 9.15 am (14 – 15 mph average) and a faster group leaving at 9.30am (15 – 17mph average). The two groups will meet up at the pre-designated coffee stop and then usually proceed to finish the rest of the run as one group. Usually in the quieter months there will be one group and of course, all is dependent on… guessed it – the weather. Details of forthcoming club runs are published on Facebook and we also have a closed Whats App group for club members to discuss the options (another good reason to join the club).
Meeting Point: KRS, 1A Langlands square, East Kilbride (Google Map – KRS)
Time: Meet Sundays either 9.15am or 9.30am
Winter Turbo Training
What / When: Between October and the end of March members of the club meet every Tuesday
Meeting Point: Ballerup recreation centre (Google Map – Ballerup)
Time: 7pm for a start at 7.30pm sharp
Monthly Away Days
The club organises an away day each month between May – Sept. Destinations may include Arran, Scottish Borders, Dumfries and Galloway, Perthshire and even the Ayrshire Alps! We meet at a start point and there is usually car sharing between club members. The route can be anything between 50 – 80 miles and includes a coffee stop for refuelling. The away days are very popular and have been a club favourite for many years. Details of the away day are promoted on Facebook / Strava in advance,